I have an image and i want to plot only 100*100 square with left hand bottom corner at 0,0.
when i use below commands. Why do i get a white space around my cropped image?
how can i avoid it and ensure that I get exact 100*100 image?
If you want to repeat my example, you can use any image on line 1 (provided that the image is bigger than 100*100 pixels)
r <- raster("C:/Users/nnnn/Desktop/geo.jpg")
vector= getValues(r)
Here's my best shot:
## An example raster
logo <- raster(system.file("external/rlogo.grd", package="raster"))
## Clip out the lower-left 50*100 pixel rectangle as a new raster 'r'
cropWithRowCol <- function(r, rows, cols) {
cc <- cellFromRowColCombine(r, rownr=rows, colnr=cols)
crop(r, rasterFromCells(r, cc, values=FALSE))
r <- cropWithRowCol(logo, nrow(logo) - 49:0, 1:100)
## Extract multipliers used to appropriately size the selected device
w <- ncol(r)/max(dim(r))
h <- nrow(r)/max(dim(r))
## Set up appropriately sized device with no borders and required coordinate system
## png("eg.png", width=480*w, height=480*h)
dev.new(width=5*w, height=5*h)
par(mar=c(0,0,0,0), oma=c(0,0,0,0))
plot.window(xlim=extent(r)[1:2], ylim=extent(r)[3:4], xaxs="i",yaxs="i")
## Finally, plot the (sub-)raster to it
plot(r, axes=FALSE, legend=FALSE, add=TRUE)
## dev.off()
(Please remember that, in an interactively resizable device, changing the device's size will mess up the plotted map's aspect ratio.)
Aspect ratios are normally maintained for maps. You can use width/height when plotting to a file. You can resize the standard device manually, but you can also do this:
r <- raster(nrow=240, ncol=320)
values(r) <- 1:ncell(r)
dev.new(height=0.91*nrow(r)/50, width=1.09*ncol(r)/50)
plot(r, legend=FALSE)