How get web config location element?
ConfigurationManager.GetSection("appSettings") returns Okay
ConfigurationManager.GetSection("location") return null
I.E. ...
<location path="FOLDER/Page2.aspx">
How get web config location element?
ConfigurationManager.GetSection("appSettings") returns Okay
ConfigurationManager.GetSection("location") return null
I.E. ...
<location path="FOLDER/Page2.aspx">
The reason you get an error for that is because in .NET, the custom app config section (such as the "location" section in your example) require you to provide a custom configuration section handler.
The main interface you need to use is IConfigurationSectionHandler
Here is an MSDN article on how to create your custom configuration handler.
Does this help?
Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
ConfigurationLocationCollection myLocationCollection = config.Locations;
foreach (ConfigurationLocation myLocation in myLocationCollection)
Console.WriteLine("Location Path: {0}", myLocation.Path);
Configuration myLocationConfiguration = myLocation.OpenConfiguration();
Console.WriteLine("Location Configuration File Path: {0}", myLocationConfiguration.FilePath);
Taken from here
Not sure if this is exactly what you want but you can get sections within the web.config location element like so...
AuthorizationSection pageAuthorizationSection = (AuthorizationSection)WebConfigurationManager.GetSection("system.web/authorization", "FOLDER/Page2.aspx");
I'd like to improve Neil's answer: Many say that modifying your web.config at runtime is not recommended. But here's the code how to do it.
//The path where the web.config file is located
string path = "~/Administrator/";
//Collections of aspx page names separated by a comma.
//Example content in a textbox: Default.aspx,Audit.aspx,
string strPages = txtPages.Text;
//This is string array where we are going to break down all name of aspx pages
//contained in strPages variable
string[] cdrPages = strValues.Split(',');
//This is the list where we are going to transfer the names of our aspx pages
//for faster searching of existing items
List<string> accesslist = new List<string>();
//1. Create Role
//2. Open the Web Configuration --> make sure that you put the correct folder location of your web.config file
System.Configuration.Configuration config = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration(path);
//3. Get All Specified Locations
ConfigurationLocationCollection myLocationCollection = config.Locations;
//4. Transfer the values of string[] strPages to List<string> accessList
for (int i = 0; i < strPages.Length; i++)
if (strPages[i].ToString() != null && strPages[i].ToString() != "")
//5. Loop through the LocationCollections
foreach (ConfigurationLocation myLocation in myLocationCollection)
//6. Checks if myLocation exists in List<string> accessList
bool exists = accesslist.Exists(element => element == myLocation.Path);
//If Exists
if (exists) {
//7. Open the configuration of myLocation
System.Configuration.Configuration sub = myLocation.OpenConfiguration();
//8. Get the authorization section of specific location
AuthorizationSection section = (System.Web.Configuration.AuthorizationSection)sub.GetSection("system.web/authorization");
//9. Declare the Authorization Rule, in this case, we are allowing a new role to have an access to a specific page
AuthorizationRule autho = new System.Web.Configuration.AuthorizationRule(System.Web.Configuration.AuthorizationRuleAction.Allow);
//10. Add the New Role to Authorization Section
//11. Save the "sub", or the specific location inside the web.config file.
message.InnerHtml = "Role Successfully Added!";
message.Attributes.Add("class", "msg_info");
catch {
message.InnerHtml = "Saving Failed";
message.Attributes.Add("class", "msg_error");
This may be an ugly code, but for sure it'll work. - Jan Russel 'Rusty Programmer' Calachan
this is because appSettings
is a known (default) config section in a .NET application. If you want to use your own config section, you have to create it.