I have an INSERT
statement that is eating a hell of a lot of log space, so much so that the hard drive is actually filling up before the statement completes.
The thing is, I really don't need this to be logged as it is only an intermediate data upload step.
For argument's sake, let's say I have:
- Table A: Initial upload table (populated using
, so no logging problems)
- Table B: Populated using
Is there a way that I can copy between A and B without anything being written to the log?
P.S. I'm using SQL Server 2008 with simple recovery model.
From Louis Davidson, Microsoft MVP:
There is no way to insert without
logging at all. SELECT INTO is the
best way to minimize logging in T-SQL,
using SSIS you can do the same sort of
light logging using Bulk Insert.
From your requirements, I would
probably use SSIS, drop all
constraints, especially unique and
primary key ones, load the data in,
add the constraints back. I load
about 100GB in just over an hour like
this, with fairly minimal overhead. I
am using BULK LOGGED recovery model,
which just logs the existence of new
extents during the logging, and then
you can remove them later.
The key is to start with barebones
tables, and it just screams. Building
the index once leaves you will no
indexes to maintain, just the one
index build per index.
If you don't want to use SSIS, the point still applies to drop all of your constraints and use the BULK LOGGED
recovery model. This greatly reduces the logging done on INSERT INTO
statements and thus should solve your issue.
Upload the data into tempdb instead of your database, and do all the intermediate transformations in tempdb. Then copy only the final data into the destination database. Use batches to minimize individual transaction size. If you still have problems, look into deploying trace flag 610, see The Data Loading Performance Guide and Prerequisites for Minimal Logging in Bulk Import:
Trace Flag 610
SQL Server 2008 introduces trace flag
610, which controls minimally logged
inserts into indexed tables.