How does C++ do bitwise “or” operations on negativ

2019-02-23 06:58发布


When I give to a variable such value: e = 17|-15; , I get -15 as an answer after compiling.I can't understand what arithmetic c++ uses. How does it perform a bit-wise OR operation on negative decimals?


It's just doing the operation on the binary representations of your numbers. In your case, that appears to be two's complement.

 17 -> 00010001
-15 -> 11110001

As you can see, the bitwise OR of those two numbers is still -15.

In your comments above, you indicated that you tried this with the two's complement representations, but you must have done something wrong. Here's the step by step:

 15 ->  00001111      // 15 decimal is 00001111 binary
-15 -> ~00001111 + 1  // negation in two's complement is equvalent to ~x + 1
-15 ->  11110000 + 1  // do the complement
-15 ->  11110001      // add the 1


It does OR operations on negative numbers the same way it does so on positive numbers. The numbers are almost certainly represented in two's-complement form, which gives you these values:

 17 = 0000000000010001
-15 = 1111111111110001

As you can see, all the bits of 17 are already set in −15, so the result of combining them is again −15.


A bitwise or with a negative number works JUST like a bitwise or with a positive number. The bits in one number are ored with the bits in the other number. How your processor represents negative numbers is a different matter. Most use something called "two's complement", which is essentially "invert the number and add 1".

So, if we have, for simplicity, 8 bit numbers:

15 is            00001111
Inverted we get  11110000
Add one          11110001

17 is            00010001

Ored together    11110001


   17 = b00010001
  -15 = b11110001 <--- 2s complement
| -15 = b11110001


The operator | is a "bitwise OR" operator, meaning that every bit in the target is computed as the OR-combination of the corresponding bits in the two operands. This means, that a bit in the result is 1 if any of the two bits in the numbers at the same positions are 1, otherwise 0.

Clearly, the result depends on the binary representation of the numbers which again depends on the platform.

Almost all platforms use the Two's complement, which can be thought as a circle of unsigned numbers, in which negative numbers are just in the opposite direction than positive numbers and "wrap around" the circle.

Unsigned integers:

Signed integers:

The calculation of your example is as follows.

 17:   00000000 00000000 00000000 00010001
-15:   11111111 11111111 11111111 11110001
-15:   11111111 11111111 11111111 11110001


you have to looks at how the bits work

Basically, if either number has a 1 in a particular spot, than the result will also have a 1

-15       : 11110001 (two's complement)
17        : 00010001
-15 | 17  : 11110001

as you can see, the result is the same as -15