How I can convert a date in format "2013-03-15 05:14:51.327"
to "2013-03-15 05:14"
, i.e. removing the seconds and milliseconds. I don't think there is way in Robot frame work. Please let me know if any one have a solution for this in python.
Try this (Thanks Blender!)
>>> date = "2013-03-15 05:14:51.327"
>>> newdate = date.rpartition(':')[0]
>>> print newdate
2013-03-15 05:14
In Robotframework the most straightforward way would be to user Split String From Right
from the String library library:
${datestring}= Set Variable 2019-03-15 05:14:51.327
${parts}= Split String From Right ${datestring} : max_split=1
# parts is a list of two elements - everything before the last ":", and everything after it
# take the 1st element, it is what we're after
${no seconds}= Get From List ${parts} 0
Log ${no senods} # 2019-03-15 05:14