
Filling Internet Explorer inputbox

2019-02-23 06:44发布


I read so many answers to my problem but somehow if I try to "mimic" what I see, I still am not able to do what I need.

The problem is very simple: fill an inputbox on an opened IE page.

Result: the code gets stuck on the line with getelementbyid showing runtime error 424 (object required).

Private Sub AddInfoFromIntranet()

Dim ie As Object

Set ie = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
Application.SendKeys "{ESC}" ' I need this to ignore a prompt

With ie
    .Visible = True
    .navigate "{here goes the address of my website}"
    Do Until Not .Busy And .readyState = 4
    .document.getelementbyid("Nachnamevalue").Value = "{here goes whar I want to insert}"
End With

Set ie = Nothing

End Sub

Internet Explorer libraries were naturally imported (otherwise the "internetexplorer.application" wouldn't work.

I am positive that the field I want to fill is called "Nachnamevalue" as from what I learned this morning taking a look around the internet.

The html code of my webpage (only the interesting piece) looks like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    '{here there are info on the style, which i'm gonna ignore}
<body bgcolor="#ffffcc"><table width="1000"><tbody><tr><td>
    <form name="Suchform" action="index.cfm" method="get" target="bottom_window">
        <select name="Nachnamepulldown" class="font09px" onchange="wait_and_search()">  
            <option value="BEGINS_WITH">beginnt mit
            <option value="EQUAL">ist
            <option value="CONTAINS">enthält
        <input name="Nachnamevalue" onkeyup="wait_and_search()" type="text" size="8">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

        <select name="Abteilungpulldown" class="font09px" onchange="wait_and_search()"> 
            <option value="BEGINS_WITH">beginnt mit
        <option value="EQUAL">ist
        <option value="CONTAINS">enthält
        <input name="Abteilungvalue" onkeyup="wait_and_search()" type="text" size="3">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;

        <input name="fuseaction" type="hidden" value="StdSearchResult">
        <input type="submit" value="suchen">
        <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">

There is also (I don't know if it can help) an "embedded" javascript that brings results of a search up every time at least 2 characters in the "Nachnamevalue" inputbox are written.

What am I doing wrong?

EDIT: When I try to execute the Sub step-by-step, I get the following:

Set Doc = ie.document

? Doc [object HTMLDocument] ( in the watchlist it is an object without any variables inside )


GetElementById gets an element by its id attribute, but "Nachnamevalue" is the value of the name attribute.

To use the name:

.document.Forms("Suchform").Elements("Nachnamevalue").value = "xxx"


This worked for me. The code uses HTML from your question in file c:\Temp\page1.html.

Option Explicit

' Add reference to Microsoft Internet Controls
' Add reference to Microsoft HTML Object Library

Sub AddInfoFromIntranet()

    Dim ie As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
    Dim doc As MSHTML.HTMLDocument
    Dim elements As MSHTML.IHTMLElementCollection
    Dim nachnameValueInput As MSHTML.HTMLInputElement

    Set ie = New SHDocVw.InternetExplorer

    With ie
        .Visible = True
        .navigate "c:\Temp\page1.html"
        Do Until Not .Busy And .readyState = 4

        Set doc = .document
        Set elements = doc.getElementsByName("Nachnamevalue")

        If Not elements Is Nothing Then
            Set nachnameValueInput = elements(0)
            If Not nachnameValueInput Is Nothing Then _
                nachnameValueInput.Value = "{here goes whar I want to insert}"
        End If

    End With

    Set ie = Nothing

End Sub

To check the names of all input elements which exist at the momonet you execute the VBA code on the page you could use getElementsByTagName("input").

    Set elements = doc.getElementsByTagName("input")

    If Not elements Is Nothing Then
        Dim inputElement
        For Each inputElement In elements
            Debug.Print inputElement.Name
        Next inputElement
    End If


You can try cycling all input and selecting the one is named as you need:

Set Elements = IE.document.getelementsbytagname("Input")
For Each Element In Elements
    If Element.Name = "Nachnamevalue" Then
        Element.Value = {Here your value}
        Exit For
    End If
Next Element