
Edit Comment Template in Netbeans PHP 6.8 [duplica

2019-02-23 01:27发布


This question already has an answer here:

  • Editing method comment template in Netbeans 6.9.1 1 answer

I would like to ask is there any way change the comment code template in Netbeans PHP 6.8

In eclipse, when I type /** ENTER , it would come out the comment template that I set in the setting, like this:

* Apr 19, 2010 - Shiro
* Description
* @return unknown_type
function test()


by Default Netbeans only will show the parameter in the function.

  * @param <type> $order_No
  * @param <type> $array 

in Netbeans is there any possible I could found any customization about this, anyone know where is the setting for this?


In some way I feel NetBeans is just doing it right - Eclipse seems to mimic a "poor man's version control". But there are tons of free VCS, so why bother?


You go to menu:

Tools -> Options -> Editor -> Code Templates

You can select language: PHP

You'll have a list of the code templates that you can customize to your needs.