I am using visual studio 2010, parallel nsight 2.2 and cuda 4.2 for learning. My system is Windows 8 pro x64. I opened the radix sort project which included by cuda computing SDK in VS, and compiled it with no error. The sort code uses thrust library:
thrust::sort(d_keys.begin(), d_keys.end());
thrust::sort_by_key(d_keys.begin(), d_keys.end(), d_values.begin());
I want to know how thrust dispatch the sort function to cuda kernels, so I tried to add breakpoints in front of lines above and compiled the project in debug mode. But when I use parallel nsight for cuda debugging, there are always errors that "no source correspondence for breakpoint".
So, my problems are:
- How to debug cuda thrust programs in visual studio with parallel nsight?
- Or is there anyone can instruct me using another way to know how cuda thrust dipatch functions to cuda kernels or other functions?
Any advise will be appreciated!