In Unity I can't control the touchscreen keyboard. TouchScreenKeyboard class has only one parameters for Android.
{ float keyboardHeight = TouchScreenKeyboard.area.height;
// will resize the view here! But this return zero!
Is there any other way to know the height of the keyboard on Android ?
This should do the trick (found here):
public int GetKeyboardSize()
using(AndroidJavaClass UnityClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer"))
AndroidJavaObject View = UnityClass.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity").Get<AndroidJavaObject>("mUnityPlayer").Call<AndroidJavaObject>("getView");
using(AndroidJavaObject Rct = new AndroidJavaObject(""))
View.Call("getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame", Rct);
return Screen.height - Rct.Call<int>("height");
It was long ago, but just in case anybody is struggling with it again, I managed to find a solution for a panel with
an InputField using this MonoBehaviour class. I attached it to the InputField and linked the panel which should be resized.
public class InputFieldForScreenKeyboardPanelAdjuster : MonoBehaviour {
// Assign panel here in order to adjust its height when TouchScreenKeyboard is shown
public GameObject panel;
private InputField inputField;
private RectTransform panelRectTrans;
private Vector2 panelOffsetMinOriginal;
private float panelHeightOriginal;
private float currentKeyboardHeightRatio;
public void Start() {
inputField = transform.GetComponent<InputField>();
panelRectTrans = panel.GetComponent<RectTransform>();
panelOffsetMinOriginal = panelRectTrans.offsetMin;
panelHeightOriginal = panelRectTrans.rect.height;
public void LateUpdate () {
if (inputField.isFocused) {
float newKeyboardHeightRatio = GetKeyboardHeightRatio();
if (currentKeyboardHeightRatio != newKeyboardHeightRatio) {
Debug.Log("InputFieldForScreenKeyboardPanelAdjuster: Adjust to keyboard height ratio: " + newKeyboardHeightRatio);
currentKeyboardHeightRatio = newKeyboardHeightRatio;
panelRectTrans.offsetMin = new Vector2(panelOffsetMinOriginal.x, panelHeightOriginal * currentKeyboardHeightRatio);
} else if (currentKeyboardHeightRatio != 0f) {
if (panelRectTrans.offsetMin != panelOffsetMinOriginal) {
SmartCoroutine.DelayedExecute(this, () => {
Debug.Log("InputFieldForScreenKeyboardPanelAdjuster: Revert to original");
panelRectTrans.offsetMin = panelOffsetMinOriginal;
}, 0.5f);
currentKeyboardHeightRatio = 0f;
private float GetKeyboardHeightRatio() {
if (Application.isEditor) {
return 0.4f; // fake TouchScreenKeyboard height ratio for debug in editor
using (AndroidJavaClass UnityClass = new AndroidJavaClass("com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayer")) {
AndroidJavaObject View = UnityClass.GetStatic<AndroidJavaObject>("currentActivity").Get<AndroidJavaObject>("mUnityPlayer").Call<AndroidJavaObject>("getView");
using (AndroidJavaObject rect = new AndroidJavaObject("")) {
View.Call("getWindowVisibleDisplayFrame", rect);
return (float)(Screen.height - rect.Call<int>("height")) / Screen.height;
return (float)TouchScreenKeyboard.area.height / Screen.height;