ALV Grid missing toolbar

2019-02-22 11:34发布


I'm creating a simple ALV grid in SAP. So far i've been able to populate the grid with my data and display the grid after the selection screen no problem. I'm not adding the grid to a custom container on a custom screen. Just viewing the grid full screen.

My question is - is there a property of the alv grid object that I need to set in order to view the tool bar that is normally on top of the grid with buttons for filter, sort etc?

So far this is what I have:

      r_salv_table   = gr_alv
      t_table        = tbl_data
CATCH cx_salv_msg.

* initialize the alv settings - nothing done here for the moment.
PERFORM define_settings USING gr_alv.

* Display the ALV
gr_alv->display( ).

Any help for a SAP noob would be appreciated.


Each ALV function is implemented as a separate CLASS in Simple ALV, so you have to handle them separately. You do not need a custom control.

In order to add the toolbar:

lr_func = gr_alv->get_functions( ).
lr_func->set_all( ).

Complete ALV display:

form display_results.

  data: ls_key        type salv_s_layout_key,

        lo_table      type ref to cl_salv_table,
        lo_cols       type ref to cl_salv_columns_table,
        lo_events     type ref to cl_salv_events_table,
        lo_funcs      type ref to cl_salv_functions_list,
        lo_layout     type ref to cl_salv_layout,
        lo_display    type ref to cl_salv_display_settings,
        lo_selections type ref to cl_salv_selections.

      call method cl_salv_table=>factory
          list_display = abap_false
          r_salv_table = lo_table
          t_table      = gt_list.
    catch cx_salv_msg .                                 "#EC NO_HANDLER
  create object go_events.
  lo_events = lo_table->get_event( ).
  set handler go_events->double_click for lo_events.

  ls_key-report = sy-repid.
  lo_layout = lo_table->get_layout( ).
  lo_layout->set_key( ls_key ).
  lo_layout->set_default( abap_true ).
  lo_layout->set_save_restriction( ).
  lo_layout->set_initial_layout( p_var ).

  lo_cols = lo_table->get_columns( ).
  perform change_columns changing lo_cols.

  lo_funcs = lo_table->get_functions( ).
  lo_funcs->set_all( ).

  "Display Settings
  lo_display = lo_table->get_display_settings( ).
  lo_display->set_striped_pattern( abap_true ).

  lo_selections = lo_table->get_selections( ).
  lo_selections->set_selection_mode( if_salv_c_selection_mode=>row_column ).

  lo_table->display( ).
endform.                   " DISPLAY_RESULTS


This is confusing at first when you use the ALV object model. If you use the ALV in fullscreen mode you have to reference a GUI status in your program, and use the method SET_SCREEN_STATUS on your grid instance. It's explained in the SAP Help here.

It helps to copy the GUI status SALV_TABLE_STANDARD from function group SALV_METADATA_STATUS into your report as a starting point, and then you can remove any functions you don't need. For example, if you copied the status into your program as ALV_STATUS, you would write:

gr_alv->set_screen_status( report   = sy-repid
                           pfstatus = 'ALV_STATUS' ).

If you want to use the class-based model of setting up ALV functions, you have to embed the grid object in a custom container in a screen.


Seems what you need to do is get an instance of CL_SALV_FUNCTIONS_LIST from your grid object like so:

lr_func = gr_alv->get_functions( ).
lr_func->set_all( ).

But, from there, it seems you need to do a bit or work. My advice: Look at the documentation on classes CL_SALV_TABLE and CL_SALV_FUNCTIONS_LIST (that is, click the documentation button when you display the class in transaction SE24). The latter tells you exactly what you need to do.

(Also, a little hint: Put your processing logic inside the try-catch block, because if the initialization fails, you might catch that exception but go on to try call a method on an uninstantiated or uninitialized class).


  • add a customer container to your gui
  • create an object of the class cl_gui_custom_container and supply the name of your container
  • create an instance of the class cl_gui_alv_grid and supply the custom container object
  • use the method set_table_for_first_display

this will display a toolbar with all buttons. you can control which buttons you want in the toolbar with the IT_TOOLBAR_EXCLUDING parameter to the set_table_for_first_display method.

标签: sap abap