I am using fabricjs to build an interactive map in html5.
When the DOM loads, I add my mouseover listener to my fabricjs canvas instance by calling: *my_event_setter( true )*.
Then for the sake of testing, I want to remove the listener once I do my first mouseover by calling: *my_event_setter( false )*. That should thus remove the mouseover listener, but it does not.
my_event_setter = function( toggle )
{ var lvo = { 'object:over' : function(e){ mouseover_handler( e ) } } ;
toggle ? my_fabric_canvas.on( lvo ) : my_fabric_canvas.off( lvo ) ;
mouseover_handler = function( e )
{ my_event_setter( false ) ;
I solved this by using:
var canvas = fabric.Canvas.activeInstance;
canvas.__eventListeners["mouse:down"] = [];
The events are in an Array so it makes it easy to handle these.
This example shows how to remove the mousemove when mouseup is fired:
canvas.on('mouse:up', function () {
canvas.off('mouse:move', eventHandler);
Bind event with angular js like
$scope.closeCurve = function(){
canvas.isDrawingMode = true;
canvas.on('mouse:up', function() {
canvas.getObjects().forEach(o => {
o.fill = 'blue'
Remove event like
$scope.selectTool = function(){
canvas.isDrawingMode = false;
bind with on method and remove from off method...:)