I'm currently in the process of replacing my homebrewn build script by an Ant build script.
Now I need to replace various tokens by the size of a specific file. I know how to get the size in bytes via the <length>
task and store in in a property, but I need the size in kilobytes and megabytes too.
How can I access the file size in other representations (KB, MB) or compute these values from within the Ant target and store them in a property?
Edit: After I discovered the <script>
task, it was fairly easy to calculate the other values using some JavaScript and add a new property to the project using project.setNewProperty("foo", "bar");
I found a solution that does not require any third-party library or custom tasks using the <script>
task that allows for using JavaScript (or any other Apache BSF or JSR 223 supported language) from within an Ant target.
<target name="insert-filesize">
<length file="${afile}" property="fs.length.bytes" />
<script language="javascript">
var length_bytes = project.getProperty("fs.length.bytes");
var length_kbytes = Math.round((length_bytes / 1024) * Math.pow(10,2))
/ Math.pow(10,2);
var length_mbytes = Math.round((length_kbytes / 1024) * Math.pow(10,2))
/ Math.pow(10,2);
project.setNewProperty("fs.length.kb", length_kbytes);
project.setNewProperty("fs.length.mb", length_mbytes);
<copy todir="${target.dir}">
<fileset dir="${source.dir}">
<include name="**/*" />
<exclude name="**/*.zip" />
<filterset begintoken="$$$$" endtoken="$$$$">
<filter token="SIZEBYTES" value="${fs.length.bytes}"/>
<filter token="SIZEKILOBYTES" value="${fs.length.kb}"/>
<filter token="SIZEMEGABYTES" value="${fs.length.mb}"/>
There is a math task at http://ant-contrib.sourceforge.net/ that may be useful