Promises - catching all rejections in a

2019-02-22 08:45发布


This question already has an answer here:

  • Bluebird Promise.all - multiple promises completed aggregating success and rejections 1 answer

I have this dummy code

var Promise = require('bluebird')
function rej1(){
    return new Promise.reject(new Error('rej1'));

function rej2() {
    return new Promise.reject(new Error('rej2'));
function rej3() {
    return new Promise.reject(new Error('rej3'));

Promise.all([rej1(),rej2(),rej3()] ).then(function(){

In the rejectionHandler i see only the first rejection. Is it possible to view all three rejections?


Yes, it is possible to view all three rejections. Promise.all rejects as soon as one promise rejects. Instead - use Promise.settle:

Promise.settle([rej1(), rej2(), rej3()).then(function(results){
    var rejections = results.filter(function(el){ return el.isRejected(); });
    // access rejections here
    rejections[0].reason(); // contains the first rejection reason