I have table on page with possible sorting in columns, by after I reload data with reactive table isn't sorted again, here the server.R code:
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
# Return the requested dataset
datasetInput <- reactive({
"[,...]" = diamonds,
"[10:30,...]" = diamonds,
"[31:50,...]" = diamonds)
#"[,...]" = diamonds[,],
#"[10:30,...]" = diamonds[10:30,],
#"[31:50,...]" = diamonds[31:50,])
# Show the first "n" observations
output$view <- renderTable({
# a large table, reative to input$show_vars
output$mytable1 <- renderDataTable({
datasetInput()[, input$show_vars, drop = FALSE]
The best way to retain sort order (and selection) is to use proxyDataTable and replaceData to update your data, rather than creating a new table each time the data is updated:
mydata = reactive({
df$ID <<- c(df$ID[n], df$ID[-n])
output$foo = DT::renderDataTable(isolate(mydata()))
proxy = dataTableProxy('foo')
replaceData(proxy, mydata(), resetPaging = FALSE)
There are a couple things to be aware of though. If you are using modules, check out this thread to make sure you are passing the right session variable to the proxy: https://github.com/rstudio/DT/issues/359
Also, if you use rownames=false for your datatable, you must also pass the parameter to replaceData.
If proxyDataTable is not an option, you can also use callbacks in DT::renderDataTable:
#include some javascript
#options to renderDataTable
preDrawCallback = JS("initTableOrder"),
drawCallback = JS("saveTableOrder")
The javascript functions in my.js (stored in your www directory):
var tableSortOrderSave;
function initTableOrder(settings, json) {
if(tableSortOrderSave === undefined){
function saveTableOrder(settings, json) {
order = $(this.api().table().order());
if(order.length > 0){
tableSortOrderSave = order;