using python-gnupg v0.3.5 on windows 7 w/Python 2.7 and GPG4Win v2.2.0 results in 2 failures:
Test that searching for keys works ... FAIL
Doctest: gnupg.GPG.recv_keys ... FAIL
2 keyrings exist in each of these locations(secring & pubring in each):
under the GPGHome directory (C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU\GnuPG)
under the user profile(C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\gnupg)
If I create GPG instance and set the keyring file path to the user profile pubring.pgp I get a result from GPG.list_keys(). If I let it use the gpghome directory pubring.pgp I get no results from list_keys() because that keyring is empty.
So given I specify the user profile keyring and I have a key to use this is what happens:
>>>data = '1234 abcd 56678'
>>>fingerprint = u'<fingerprint>'
>>>enc = gpg.encrypt(data,fingerprint)
encrypt_file() gives the same results, nothing happens, no errors. I'm not particularly savvy in any of this but it seems like if I have data and public key this should be dead simple. I'm having a horrendous time trying to determine what is wrong given I see no log files anywhere and I have no errors when attempting this.
How can I determine what is going wrong here? I've read pretty much everything I can find here on StackOverflow, and the google group for python-gnupg.
Also why do I have 2 separate sets of keyrings in the first place?
edit: clarified there are 2 separate sets of pubring and secring
edit 2: answer below was instrumental in leading to the actual problem. the gnupg.GPG() constructor is setting gpg command line options that include 'no-tty', calling gnupg.GPG(options='') resolves the issue and successfully encrypts both data and files.