Enable single page app react hot reload webpack

2019-02-22 07:51发布


I have some problems setting up a single page react app using react router with the webpackdevserver. If I use browserhistory webpack has some problems when entering a nested route url (/client/view for example). This could be solved adding apiFallback but hot reload does still have a problem. It tries to load the hot-update.json file from the deep url (/client/view/hot-update.json) which does not exist and therefor fails and reloads the page. How can i tell hotreload to always load the hot-update.json from the base url (/)?


I had a similar issue when using a publicPath other than '', which I solved by adding a proxy entry to the devServer options:

devServer: {
  // ... rest of options
  proxy: {
    '/myPublicPath/*': {
      target: 'http://localhost:8080/',
      pathRewrite: { '^/myPublicPath': '' },

Other than that, make sure both output.publicPath and devServer.publicPath is set and equal.

Hope this helps!