I have a Handlebar helper to invoke a template within a template,
the usage is this :
applyTemplate subTemplateId arg1=123 arg2="abc" ...
It is also possible to pass html content
{{# applyTemplate "tli" a=1 b="y"}}
... any content here will get passed to the sub template with {{content}}
{{/ applyTemplate }}
This jsFiddle illustrates how it works : http://jsfiddle.net/maxl/ywUjj/
My problem : I want the variables in the calling scope to be accessible
in the sub templemplate, in the jsFiddle, notice how {{topLevelVar}}
is not available.
From this example i would say you can use fn to access the context in your helper method
applyTemplate: function(context, fn) {
for(var i=0, j=context.length; i < j; i++) {
Where fn is the inner "template" part, and context the model that gets applied to it.
Starting from the solution on http://jsfiddle.net/dain/NRjUb/ we can achieve the same result but with inline templates as:
<script id="topLevel" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
{{# defTpl "test1"}}
La plantilla <b>diu</b> {{part}},{{../topLevelVar}}
{{/ defTpl }}
{{# each sub }}
Iplant-->{{eTpl "test1" part=this}}--fi plant<br>
And registering the handlebars helpers like:
var h={};
Handlebars.registerHelper('defTpl', function(name, context){
// the subtemplate definition is already compiled in context.fn, we store this
return "";
// block level /inline helper
Handlebars.registerHelper('eTpl', function(name, context){
if (!h[name]) return "Error , template not found"+name;
var subTemplate = h[name];
//if this isn't a block template , the function to render inner content doesn't exists
var innerContent = context.fn?context.fn(this):"";
var subTemplateArgs = $.extend({}, context.hash, {content: new Handlebars.SafeString(innerContent)});
return new Handlebars.SafeString(subTemplate(subTemplateArgs))
And calling this with:
var _template = Handlebars.compile($('#topLevel').html());
$('body').append(_template({topLevelVar:123, content:"cascading",sub:[45,30,12]}));
Hope this helps :)
Add "../" before topLevelVar to access the parent context.
For example:
<script id="tli" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
<tr><td>{{a}}----> {{content}} <----- {{b}}</td></tr>
<script id="zaza" type="text/x-handlebars-template">
{{# applyTemplate "tli" a=1 b="y"}}<input type="text" value='a'>{{../topLevelVar}}{{/ applyTemplate }}
{{# applyTemplate "tli" a=2 b="z"}}<input type="text" value='b'>{{/ applyTemplate }}