I need to parse Outlook .msg files. How do I do it? Are there any classes?
I found http://www.aspose.com/purchase/pricing-info-step-1-of-3.aspx
Aspose it is a third party tool, which I need to purchase.
Is there any other way without purchasing?
I need to parse Outlook .msg files. How do I do it? Are there any classes?
I found http://www.aspose.com/purchase/pricing-info-step-1-of-3.aspx
Aspose it is a third party tool, which I need to purchase.
Is there any other way without purchasing?
This article on CodeProject (http://www.codeproject.com/Tips/712072/Reading-an-Outlook-MSG-File-in-Csharp) its everething that you need.
Very complete and funcional.
You may take a look at this article (first hit on google).
Few different solutions available. Look at http://go4answers.webhost4life.com/Example/parse-msg-file-without-outlook-object-218577.aspx