I'm trying to draw some circles and I was sort of hoping they would intersect with some points, alas...
xy <- matrix(runif(20, min = -100, max = 100), ncol = 2)
distance <- spDistsN1(xy, xy[1, ])
plot(0,0, xlim = c(-100, 100), ylim = c(-100, 100), type = "n")
points(xy[1, 1], xy[1, 2], pch = 16)
draw.circle(xy[1, 1], xy[1, 2], radius = distance)
The above code does the following:
- Create 10 random points and choose one (first) point that would serve as an "anchor".
- Calculate distance from anchor to all other points. This will be our "radius"
- Draw circles around anchor point using above calculated distances for radii.
- Scratch head why circles don't intersect with points that were used to calculate radii.