I want to get current page name (something like "myPage") using JSP or JSTL. How can I achieve this?
You can get it by HttpServletRequest#getServletPath()
You can use the JSTL functions taglib to extract the extension whenever necessary.
To get the page:
<% String pageName = com.kireego.utils.Utils.extractPageNameFromURLString(request.getRequestURI()); %>
and this helper code:
public static String extractPageNameFromURLString(String urlString){
if (urlString==null) return null;
int lastSlash = urlString.lastIndexOf("/");
//if (lastSlash==-1) lastSlash = 0;
String pageAndExtensions = urlString.substring(lastSlash+1);
int lastQuestion = pageAndExtensions.lastIndexOf("?");
if (lastQuestion==-1) lastQuestion = pageAndExtensions.length();
String result = pageAndExtensions.substring(0,lastQuestion);
return result;
maybe you can get it thought javascript way, like:
var url = window.location.href;
then use string methods to get current page name.