In version 0.5 it was easy:
<polymer-element name="textarea-tpl" attributes="value placeholder">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/index.css">
<textarea id="textarea" value="{{value}}" placeholder="{{placeholder}}"></textarea>
<textarea id="hidden_textarea"></textarea>
ready: function() {
var text = this.$.textarea;
var hidden_text = this.$.hidden_textarea;
text.onkeyup = function() {
hidden_text.value = text.value + "\n";
var height = hidden_text.scrollHeight; = height+'px';
In version 1.0 this binding doesn't work. Only write works and which is strange, only one time. Code for v1.0:
<dom-module id="chat-textarea">
<textarea id="textarea" value="{{value}}" placeholder="{{placeholder}}"></textarea>
<textarea id="hidden_textarea"></textarea>
is: "chat-textarea",
properties: {
value: String,
placeholder: String
set text(val) {
this.$.textarea.value = val;
get text() {
return this.$.textarea.value;
ready: function() {
var text = this.$.textarea;
var hidden_text = this.$.hidden_textarea;
text.onkeyup = function() {
hidden_text.value = text.value + "\n";
var height = hidden_text.scrollHeight; = height+'px';
Now I use set\get text, but it's not property and available only from JS.
In iron-autogrow-textarea is written: Because the textarea's value property is not observable, you should use this element's bind-value instead for imperative updates. But why in 0.5 textarea's value was observable?