I am having issues attempting to replicate a chart that has been generated in Microsoft Excel 2007 by using the Microsoft Chart Control for .Net
The chart is showing the TOP 5 entries for each Month (each month could have a different 5 entries) of the year and then showing a breakdown of some metrics
I can get the data perfectly fine, the issue comes down to the fact that in the Excel chart it has formatted the X-Axis labels as shown in the following image: Which is how we want the axis formatted so that each Month name is only listed once for the 5 sub categories that are for that month.
But I do not know how to reproduce this using the Microsoft Chart Control, when I use the same data for the chart control it formats the X-Axis as (ignore colors and such): I have bound the data so that the XAxis value is "January AAA-BBB", I'm thinking that maybe I need to separate out the Month portion into some other axis value that can be formatted/grouped separately.
Any help would be appreciated.