Extract file basename without path and extension i

2019-01-05 20:05发布


This question already has an answer here:

  • Extract filename and extension in Bash 36 answers

Given file names like these:


I hope to get:


Why this doesn't work?


fname=$(basename $fullfile)
echo $fbname

What's the right way to do it?


You don't have to call the external basename command. Instead, you could use the following commands:

$ s=/the/path/foo.txt
$ echo ${s##*/}
$ s=${s##*/}
$ echo ${s%.txt}
$ echo ${s%.*}

Note that this solution should work in all recent (post 2004) POSIX compliant shells, (e.g. bash, dash, ksh, etc.).

Source: Shell Command Language 2.6.2 Parameter Expansion

More on bash String Manipulations: http://tldp.org/LDP/LG/issue18/bash.html


The basename command has two different invocations; in one, you specify just the path, in which case it gives you the last component, while in the other you also give a suffix that it will remove. So, you can simplify your example code by using the second invocation of basename. Also, be careful to correctly quote things:

fbname=$(basename "$1" .txt)
echo "$fbname"


A combination of basename and cut works fine, even in case of double ending like .tar.gz:

fbname=$(basename "$fullfile" | cut -d. -f1)

Would be interesting if this solution needs less arithmetic power than Bash Parameter Expansion.


Pure bash, no basename, no variable juggling. Set a string and echo:

echo ${s//+(*\/|.*)}



Note: the bash extglob option must be "on", (on Ubuntu it's "on" by default), if it's not, do:

shopt -s extglob

Walking through the ${s//+(*\/|.*)}:

  1. ${s -- start with $s.
  2. // substitute every instance of the pattern.
  3. +( match one or more of the pattern list in parenthesis.
  4. *\/ matches anything before /. (1st pattern)
  5. | Or. (pattern separator.)
  6. .* matches anything after .. (2nd pattern)
  7. ) end pattern list.
  8. } end parameter expansion -- since there's no / (which would precede a string substitute), the matched patterns are deleted.

Relevant man bash background:

  1. pattern substitution:
          Pattern substitution.  The pattern is expanded to produce a pat‐
          tern just as in pathname expansion.  Parameter is  expanded  and
          the  longest match of pattern against its value is replaced with
          string.  If pattern begins with /, all matches  of  pattern  are
          replaced   with  string.   Normally  only  the  first  match  is
          replaced.  If pattern begins with #, it must match at the begin‐
          ning of the expanded value of parameter.  If pattern begins with
          %, it must match at the end of the expanded value of  parameter.
          If string is null, matches of pattern are deleted and the / fol‐
          lowing pattern may be omitted.  If parameter is @ or *, the sub‐
          stitution  operation  is applied to each positional parameter in
          turn, and the expansion is the resultant list.  If parameter  is
          an  array  variable  subscripted  with  @ or *, the substitution
          operation is applied to each member of the array  in  turn,  and
          the expansion is the resultant list.
  1. extended pattern matching:
  If the extglob shell option is enabled using the shopt builtin, several
   extended  pattern  matching operators are recognized.  In the following
   description, a pattern-list is a list of one or more patterns separated
   by a |.  Composite patterns may be formed using one or more of the fol‐
   lowing sub-patterns:

                 Matches zero or one occurrence of the given patterns
                 Matches zero or more occurrences of the given patterns
                 Matches one or more occurrences of the given patterns
                 Matches one of the given patterns
                 Matches anything except one of the given patterns


Here are oneliners:

  1. $(basename ${s%.*})
  2. $(basename ${s} .${s##*.})

I needed this, the same as asked by bongbang and w4etwetewtwet.


Here is another (more complex) way of getting either the filename or extension, first use the rev command to invert the file path, cut from the first . and then invert the file path again, like this:

filename=`rev <<< "$1" | cut -d"." -f2- | rev`
fileext=`rev <<< "$1" | cut -d"." -f1 | rev`


If you want to play nice with Windows file paths (under Cygwin) you can also try this:


This will account for backslash separators when using BaSH on Windows.


Just an alternative that I came up with to extract an extension, using the posts in this thread with my own small knowledge base that was more familiar to me.

ext="$(rev <<< "$(cut -f "1" -d "." <<< "$(rev <<< "file.docx")")")"

Note: Please advise on my use of quotes; it worked for me but I might be missing something on their proper use (I probably use too many).


Use the basename command. Its manpage is here: http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/man-cgi?basename
