I'm trying to create a neat solution for the following situation:
I've build an app that requires credentials to authenticate the user. Whenever the API wants to reauthenticate the user I would like to force the user back to the login-view. This functionality works great, but when the user presses the back button on the device, the previous view is shown. I would like to see that when the user presses the back button the application exits.
MvvmCross has the option of using MvxPresentationHint. I created a CustomAndroidViewPresenter and created the following MvxAndroidSetup:
public class Setup : MvxAndroidSetup
private CustomAndroidViewPresenter _presenter;
public Setup(Context applicationContext)
: base(applicationContext)
_presenter = new CustomAndroidViewPresenter(applicationContext);
protected override IMvxAndroidViewPresenter CreateViewPresenter()
return _presenter;
I know that you should call Finish(); on an activity to prevent the backbutton to navigate back to the unauthenticated view. But casting the applicationContext to throws an exception.
public CustomAndroidViewPresenter(Context context)
_context = context;
public override void ChangePresentation(MvxPresentationHint hint)
if (hint is LoginOnlyBackStackHint)
var context = Application.Context;
if (context is Activity)
// Context is NOT activity
Activity x = (Activity) context;
// Exception is thrown
catch (Exception ex)
Does someone have any ideas how to achieve this?
Many thanks in advance.
I had the same problem. Just implement a custom Presenter, that sets some intent flags, if you want to achive this:
public class CustomAndroidPresenter : MvxAndroidViewPresenter
public override void Show(MvxViewModelRequest request)
if (request != null && request.PresentationValues != null)
if (request.PresentationValues.ContainsKey("MyCustomFlag"))
// Get intent from request and set flags to clear backstack.
var intent = base.CreateIntentForRequest(request);
intent.SetFlags(ActivityFlags.ClearTask | ActivityFlags.NewTask);
Then you need to set this presenter in your setup class:
protected override IMvxAndroidViewPresenter CreateViewPresenter()
var presenter = new CustomAndroidPresenter();
return presenter;
And then to show a viewmodel (like your login-view) just set your custom-flag-key-code that the presenter knows that he should set the inten-flags:
protected void ShowViewModel<TViewModel>(bool clearbackstack) where TViewModel : MvxViewModel
if (clearbackstack)
var presentationBundle = new MvxBundle(new Dictionary<string, string> { { "MyCustomFlag", "" } });
ShowViewModel<TViewModel>(presentationBundle: presentationBundle);
// Normal start
To show a viewmodel (without back-navigation) just use following code:
And then, when you press the back-button you cant navigate back to your previous activity because the backstack is cleared.
You can take advantage of the OnStop Activity lifecycle method.
public class LoginActivity : MvxAppCompatActivity<LoginViewModel>
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
/// <summary>
/// Removes activity from history after navigating to new activity.
/// </summary>
protected override void OnStop()
/// <summary>
/// Closes app if back button is pressed.
/// </summary>
public override void OnBackPressed()
if (FragmentManager.BackStackEntryCount > 0)