I am having trouble while trying to make MockMvc to include the exception message in the response body. I have a controller as follows:
public AbstractResponse create(@Valid NewUserParameters params, BindingResult bindingResult) {
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) throw BadRequestException.of(bindingResult);
// ...
where BadRequestException
looks sth like this:
@ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, reason = "bad request")
public class BadRequestException extends IllegalArgumentException {
public BadRequestException(String cause) { super(cause); }
public static BadRequestException of(BindingResult bindingResult) { /* ... */ }
And I run the following test against /user/new
public void testUserNew() throws Exception {
.param("username", username)
.param("password", password))
which prints the following output:
Resolved Exception:
Type = controller.exception.BadRequestException
View name = null
View = null
Model = null
Status = 400
Error message = bad request
Headers = {X-Content-Type-Options=[nosniff], X-XSS-Protection=[1; mode=block], Cache-Control=[no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate], Pragma=[no-cache], Expires=[0], X-Frame-Options=[DENY]}
Content type = null
Body =
Forwarded URL = null
Redirected URL = null
Cookies = []
Does anybody have an idea on why is Body
missing in the print()
Edit: I am not using any custom exception handlers and the code works as expected when I run the server. That is, running the application and making the same request to the server returns back
"error":"Bad Request",
"message":"binding failed for field(s): password, username, username",
as expected. Hence, there is a problem with the MockMvc
I suppose. It somehow misses to capture the message
field of the exception, whereas the default exception handler of the regular application server works as expected.