In C# I can do:
and the result is 12,345.40
What's the equivalent in dart?
In C# I can do:
and the result is 12,345.40
What's the equivalent in dart?
I wanted to find the solution also, and found that it is now implemented as per following example.
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
final oCcy = new NumberFormat("#,##0.00", "en_US");
void main () {
print("Eg. 1: ${oCcy.format(123456789.75)}");
print("Eg. 2: ${oCcy.format(.7)}");
print("Eg. 3: ${oCcy.format(12345678975/100)}");
print("Eg. 4: ${oCcy.format(int.parse('12345678975')/100)}");
print("Eg. 5: ${oCcy.format(double.parse('123456789.75'))}");
/* Output :
Eg. 1: 123,456,789.75
Eg. 2: 0.70
Eg. 3: 123,456,789.75
Eg. 4: 123,456,789.75
Eg. 5: 123,456,789.75
pubspec.yaml :
name: testCcy002
version: 0.0.1
author: BOH
description: Test Currency Format from intl.
intl: any
Run pub install to install "intl"
Here's an example from a flutter implementation:
import 'package:intl/intl.dart';
final formatCurrency = new NumberFormat.simpleCurrency();
new Expanded(
child: new Center(
child: new Text('${formatCurrency.format(_moneyCounter)}',
style: new TextStyle(
color: Colors.greenAccent,
fontSize: 46.9,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w800)))),
Results in $#,###.## or $4,100.00 for example.
Note that the $ in Text('${... is only to reference the variable _moneyCounter inside the ' ' and has nothing to do with the $ added to the formatted result.