I'm building an ionic/cordova app. From my application, user can click on a phone number in order to send SMS. When click on that number, native SMS app will open and then user can type his/her own SMS and send the SMS. Is there any way, from my app I can get the SMS content?
Thanks in advance.
As you are using ionic/cordova, a SMS plugin is required to do such work.
Besides jsmobile SMS plugin, there is another one with more APIs:
As mentioned in the description:
sendSMS(address(s), text, successCallback, failureCallback);
listSMS(filter, successCallback, failureCallback);
deleteSMS(filter, successCallback, failureCallback);
startWatch(successCallback, failureCallback);
stopWatch(successCallback, failureCallback);
enableIntercept(on_off, successCallback, failureCallback);
restoreSMS(msg_or_msgs, successCallback, failureCallback);
You can get the SMS content in either of the following ways:
- implement the UI, get user's input, and call plugin's API to send the SMS.
- let the default SMS app send the message, then read the SMS from the sent box.
BTW, the plugin works for Android only, FYI.
There is cordova-plugin-sms option, as @MikeX suggested, but notice that its license is not free use.
So I chose using Phonegap-SMS-reception-plugin, which is MIT license.
and then it just
var smsInboxPlugin = cordova.require('cordova/plugin/smsinboxplugin');
smsInboxPlugin.startReception (function(msg) {
}, function() {
alert("Error while receiving messages");
function stopReadingSMS(smsInboxPlugin) {
smsInboxPlugin.stopReception (function() {
console.log("Correctly stopped SMS receiver");
}, function() {
console.log("Error while stopping the SMS receiver");
Are you saying you want to know what the user typed in another app? If so, I don't believe you can. In theory you can try skipping the real SMS app and using a plugin: http://plugins.cordova.io/#/package/com.jsmobile.plugins.sms
Nowadays there are ionic wrappers for cordova extensions. You can use $cordovaSMS (docs here)
module.controller('ThisCtrl', function($cordovaSms) {
document.addEventListener("deviceready", function () {
.send('phonenumber', 'SMS content', options)
.then(function() {
// Success! SMS was sent
}, function(error) {
// An error occurred
To see what the user is typing you can have them write the 'SMS content' inside your app. One you leave your app I don't think you can grab text from the native SMS field
you can use sms: url for opening native sms app for that you need to add
<access origin="sms:*" launch-external="yes"/> inside config.xml
after adding above line use sms link as follows
<a class="button icon-left ion-android-mail button-balanced button-outline" href="sms:9808350855">SMS</a>