I'm trying to debug the native code in the "csipsimple" android app using the Debug As->Android Native Application
option. I used this tutorial to do it. I keep getting these errors:
[2013-06-09 17:24:24 - SipHome] Unknown Application ABI:
[2013-06-09 17:24:24 - SipHome] Android
[2013-06-09 17:24:24 - SipHome] Unknown Application ABI:
[2013-06-09 17:24:24 - SipHome] NDK:
[2013-06-09 17:24:24 - SipHome] Unknown Application ABI:
[2013-06-09 17:24:24 - SipHome] Uses
[2013-06-09 17:24:24 - SipHome] Unknown Application ABI:
[2013-06-09 17:24:24 - SipHome] local
[2013-06-09 17:24:24 - SipHome] Unknown Application ABI:
[2013-06-09 17:24:24 - SipHome] settings
[2013-06-09 17:24:24 - SipHome] Unknown Application ABI:
[2013-06-09 17:24:24 - SipHome]
[2013-06-09 17:24:24 - SipHome] Unknown Application ABI:
[2013-06-09 17:24:24 - SipHome]
[2013-06-09 17:24:24 - SipHome] Unknown Application ABI:
[2013-06-09 17:24:24 - SipHome]
[2013-06-09 17:24:24 - SipHome] Unknown Application ABI:
[2013-06-09 17:24:24 - SipHome]
[2013-06-09 17:24:24 - SipHome] Unable to detect application ABI's
I tried
Unable to detect application ABI's when trying to debug NDK (not relevant, I didn't use Sequoya),
http://www.cocos2d-x.org/boards/6/topics/24216 (didn't work)
https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/android-ndk/icsQtRy1FZQ (worked mysteriously one time only)
http://www.mjbshaw.com/2012/11/android-ndk-eclipse-fixing-unknown.html (not the problem)
http://en.it-usenet.org/thread/12874/17301/ (didn't work)
I'm using the ADT bundle v22 (eclipse 4.2.1), with the Android NDK r8e, under Ubuntu 12.10.
csipsimple uses jni and swig to call the native code.
I'm desperate, help me!