I'm trying to pass a couple of parameters to an XSLT style sheet. I have followed the example: Passing parameters to XSLT Stylesheet via .NET.
But my transformed page is not correctly displaying the value.
Here is my C# code. I had to add a custom function to perform some arithmetic because Visual Studio 2010 doesn't use XSLT 2.0.
var args = new XsltArgumentList();
args.AddExtensionObject("urn:XslFunctionExtensions", new XslFunctionExtensions());
args.AddParam("processingId", string.Empty, processingId);
var myXPathDoc = new XPathDocument(claimDataStream);
var xslCompiledTransformation = new XslCompiledTransform(true);
// XSLT File
// HTML File
using (var xmlTextWriter = new XmlTextWriter(outputFile, null))
xslCompiledTransformation.Transform(myXPathDoc, args, xmlTextWriter);
Here is my XSLT:
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:param name="processingId"></xsl:param>
<xsl:value-of select="$processingId"/>
Am I missing something?