I need to adjust screen brightness/contrast by using Python. It will be a function in my code and it will be run when user presses a key, else script won't change the brigness/contrast. How can i make it in Python?
Thank you very much
I need to adjust screen brightness/contrast by using Python. It will be a function in my code and it will be run when user presses a key, else script won't change the brigness/contrast. How can i make it in Python?
Thank you very much
I found what looks like a Linux-specific recipe here.
For windows I think you need to find out what function you need to call in which dll (probably driver-specific) and use ctypes to make the required call.
This is something that is OS-specific and probably not doable without system-specific bindings.
I m using the equation define here.
So, to adjust contrast and brightness at the same time, do for each pixel:
new_value = (old_value - 0.5) × contrast + 0.5 + brightness
Bellow a nice function which do the job :
def brightness_contrast(image, brightness = -100, contrast = 300):
def vect(a):
c = contrast
b = 100 * brightness
res = ((a - 127.5) * c + 127.5) + b
if res < 0 :
return 0
if res > 255:
return 255
return res
transform = np.vectorize(vect)
data = transform(fromimage(image)).astype(np.uint8)
return toimage(data)
You can use it like this:
img = Image.open("calibration/gland_89_0.jpg")
brightness_contrast(img, brightness=-20, contrast=200).show()
I think this function should be better, regarding paramaters. Actually, there is no limit, I should update the code to make arguments in percent.