Get the days, hours and minutes in Moment.js

2019-02-21 08:25发布


So This is my first time using Moment.js and I encountered the following problem, so I have this following dates:

now: 2017-01-26T14:21:22+0000
expiration: 2017-01-29T17:24:22+0000

What I want to get is:

Day: 3
Hours: 3
Mins: 3

I tried the following code:

const now = moment();
const exp = moment(expire_date);
days = exp.diff(now, 'days');
hours = exp.diff(now, 'hours') - (days * 24);
minutes = exp.diff(now, 'minutes') - ((days * 1440) + (hours * 24) * 60);

I know I did something wrong (maybe my calculation or I used the wrong method), but I can't figure out what it is.


MomentJS can calculate all that for you without you doing any logic.

  • First find the difference between the two moments
  • Express it as a Duration
  • Then display whichever component .days(), .hours() of the duration that you want.

Note: You can also express the entire duration .asDays(), .asHours() etc if you want.

const now = moment("2017-01-26T14:21:22+0000");
const expiration = moment("2017-01-29T17:24:22+0000");

// get the difference between the moments
const diff = expiration.diff(now);

//express as a duration
const diffDuration = moment.duration(diff);

// display
console.log("Days:", diffDuration.days());
console.log("Hours:", diffDuration.hours());
console.log("Minutes:", diffDuration.minutes());
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this will give you the right values and remove the headache of manual calculations

let expiration = "2017-01-29T17:24:22+0000"
const now = moment();
const exp = moment(expiration);


days = exp.diff(now, 'days');
hours = exp.subtract(days, 'days').diff(now, 'hours');
minutes = exp.subtract(hours, 'hours').diff(now, 'minutes');

console.log(days, hours, minutes)
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note that the substract operations will mutate the original exp value, so don't go passing it around expecting it to be the original date


Try my solution. I think that is it:

  var now = moment("2017-01-26T14:21:22+0000");
  var expiration = moment("2017-01-29T17:24:22+0000");
  var minsAverage = expiration.diff(now, "minutes");

  var min = parseInt(minsAverage % 60);
  var hours = parseInt(minsAverage / 60);
  var days = parseInt(hours / 24);
  hours = hours - 24*days;


For more information check the documentation

var now = moment()
var exp = moment().add(1,'days')
var days = exp.diff(now, 'days')
var months = exp.diff(now, 'months')
var years = exp.diff(now, 'years', true) //float number

console.log(now,exp,days, months, years)
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