I was challenged with a CS problem.
The problem consists of recursively finding which expressions of the form ((10+10)/(10+10)) produces a number. For example, ((10+10)/(10+10)) produces 1. Find all the other expressions using the operators +, -, *, /, with 4 numbers of 10, and all the combinations of parentheses to enforce orders of operations.
I was referred to the Reverse Polish Notation, but that relies on postfix notation, which isn’t required to solve this problem.
Some pseudocode I have is this. I know using recursion is the easiest way to solve this problem. But don't know how to make sure I get all combinations.
build([10,10,10,10], Expression) :-
/ \
[10] [10,10,10]
/ \
[10] [10,10]
/ \
[10] [10]
This is a problem I am trying to solve in Prolog but C++ is good as well.
I have a partial solution which I will outline here and hopefully it will get you moving and you can find the complete solution.
The first tool you need is the ability to make some expressions:
build_expr(X, Y, X+Y).
build_expr(X, Y, X*Y).
build_expr(X, Y, X-Y).
build_expr(X, Y, X/Y).
This defines build_expr/3
, which takes two variables or expressions and produces a new expression. This is how we are going to permute the operators. Now we need a way to handle the lists, so let's define build_expr/2
that operates on a list at once:
% base case: we are down to two variables and call build_expr/3
build_expr([X,Y], Expr) :- build_expr(X, Y, Expr).
% inductive case: make the expression on the rest of the list and combine
% with the leading variable here
build_expr([X|Rest], Expr) :-
build_expr(Rest, Expr0),
build_expr(X, Expr0, Expr).
Let's get a few solutions so we get the flavor of what it's doing:
3 ?- build_expr([10,10,10,10],X).
X = 10+(10+(10+10)) ;
X = 10*(10+(10+10)) ;
X = 10-(10+(10+10)) ;
X = 10/(10+(10+10)) ;
X = 10+10*(10+10) ;
X = 10*(10*(10+10)) ;
X = 10-10*(10+10) ;
X = 10/(10*(10+10)) ;
X = 10+(10-(10+10)) ;
X = 10*(10-(10+10)) ;
X = 10-(10-(10+10)) ;
X = 10/(10-(10+10)) ;
This looks pretty good to me. But like I said, I'm only generating the right-leaning tree. You will have to modify or replace build_expr/2
to produce the other shapes, if they actually matter (which I'm not convinced they do).
Now let's make the next step simpler by bundling in evaluation:
build_eval(L, Value) :- build_expr(L, Expr), Value is Expr.
Now we should be able to find all the unique solutions using setof/3
6 ?- setof(X, build_eval([10,10,10,10],X), Results).
ERROR: Arithmetic: evaluation error: `zero_divisor'
ERROR: [15] _582 is 10/(10* ...)
ERROR: [14] build_eval([10,10|...],_622) at /Users/dlyons/fourtens.pl:11
ERROR: [13] '$bags':findall_loop(_664,user:build_eval(...,_682),_668,[]) at /usr/local/Cellar/swi-prolog/7.6.4/libexec/lib/swipl-7.6.4/boot/bags.pl:97
ERROR: [12] setup_call_catcher_cleanup('$bags':'$new_findall_bag','$bags':findall_loop(_728,...,_732,[]),_710,'$bags':'$destroy_findall_bag') at /usr/local/Cellar/swi-prolog/7.6.4/libexec/lib/swipl-7.6.4/boot/init.pl:443
ERROR: [8] '$bags':setof(_770,user:build_eval(...,_786),_774) at /usr/local/Cellar/swi-prolog/7.6.4/libexec/lib/swipl-7.6.4/boot/bags.pl:240
ERROR: [7] <user>
ERROR: Note: some frames are missing due to last-call optimization.
ERROR: Re-run your program in debug mode (:- debug.) to get more detail.
ERROR: [13] '$bags':findall_loop(_664,user:build_eval(...,_682),_668,[]) aabort
% Execution Aborted
Oops. Division by zero error. No problem, let's catch that and fail in those cases instead:
9 ?- setof(X, catch(build_eval([10,10,10,10],X), E, fail), Results), writeln(Results).
I fiddled with the formatting there a little, but I think that's a pretty good solution, but I can already see one missing solution: (10+10)*(10+10)=400. So you will have to get more creative with build_expr/2
to make it produce other shapes of tree.
Edit: Adding the rest of the solutions
I found an answer by @gusbro that gives a way to enumerate the trees. I wasn't able to get it to work with the recursive trickery I was doing there (maybe someone else will show me a very easy trick) but I was able to adapt his answer to your problem, to wit:
build_tree([I1,I2|Items], Expr) :-
append([L0|LR], [R0|RR], [I1,I2|Items]),
build_tree([L0|LR], Left),
build_tree([R0|RR], Right),
build_expr(Left, Right, Expr).
build_tree([E], E).
Why am I using [L0|LR]
and [R0|RR]
instead of LeftList
and RightList
or some such? This is how I'm turning @gusbro's numeric constraints into list length constraints and ensuring that I always have at least one element in both the left and right lists, so my recursive calls to build_tree/2
will succeed.
Simplifying build_expr/3
from above down to a single operator you can see this generates all the various flavors you'd expect:
?- build_tree([10,10,10,10],X).
X = 10+(10+(10+10)) ;
X = 10+(10+10+10) ;
X = 10+10+(10+10) ;
X = 10+(10+10)+10 ;
X = 10+10+10+10 ;
Switch it back, because we're still using the build_expr/3
function from the earlier example. I have simplified the evaluation somewhat using this build_eval/2
build_eval(L, Value) :-
build_tree(L, Expr), catch(Value is Expr, _, fail).
Here's what the final solution looks like:
?- setof(X, build_eval([10,10,10,10], X), Res), writeln(Res).
Wow, quite a few alternatives, 68 to be exact!