I tried to update my project to Swift 3, my project has support for ios8 as well.
While trying to update the cocoapods, I am getting issue that AlamofireObjectMapper requires higher deployment target.
On changing to ios9 the pods install without any error, but I still want to support ios8.
Can anyone help on how this can be achieved?
Thanks in advance.
EDIT Alamofire 4.1.0
Support for iOS 8.0 and macOS 10.10 is back!
You cannot update to Swift 3 without dropping support for iOS 8, I'm afraid. The reason is that the Swift 3 version of Alamofire is 4.0 and the developers have decided to drop support for iOS 8.0. The reasons can be found here : https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire/issues/1367#issuecomment-235803404
Therefore you can continue supporting iOS 8 by using the latest Swift 2.3 release of Alamofire (3.5.1) and AlamofireObjectMapper or drop support for iOS 8.