How to serve static content in spring mvc?

2019-02-21 02:03发布


I am using spring-mvc framework in my current project. ROOT folder has lots of web folders containing html, jsp, css, js etc. My spring mvc configuration is as follows:

<context:annotation-config />

    <bean id="comicControllerBean" class="tv.cinemacraft.videogramwebapp.springmvc.controllers.ComicController" />
    <bean id="dashboardControllerBean" class="tv.cinemacraft.videogramwebapp.springmvc.controllers.DashBoardController" />
    <bean id="genericControllerBean" class="tv.cinemacraft.videogramwebapp.springmvc.controllers.GenericController" />
    <bean id="channelControllerBean" class="tv.cinemacraft.videogramwebapp.springmvc.controllers.ChannelController" />

    <!-- <context:component-scan base-package="tv.cinemacraft.videogramwebapp.springmvc.controllers" /> -->

    <bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver">
        <property name="prefix" value="/" />
        <property name="suffix" value=".jsp" />
        <property name="order" value="1" />

    <bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.ResourceBundleViewResolver">
        <property name="basename" value="views" />
        <property name="order" value="0" />

And I have mapping defined in my java controller. But this is causing static content like any image to vanish. If I request for any image inside any folder by accessing ROOT//.jpg, it gives me 404 response code although image exists. If I remove spring-mvc, image gets displayed.

Note that spring-mvc's resources attribute works for static content but that need my static content to be present inside particular folder e.g. resouce folder. So this approach is not useful for me.


Let’s say you have a directory (/resources/my_images/) that contains some product images, and you want to serve these images upon request. For example, if the requested URL is http://localhost:8080/ mystore/resource/my_images/P123.png, then you would like to serve the image with the P123.png name. Similarly, if the requested URL is http://localhost:8080/mystore/resource/images/P1234.png, then an image with the name P1234.png needs to be served.

Now how you can serve static images with Spring MVC?

  1. Place some images under the src/main/webapp/resources/my_images/ directory;
  2. Add the following tag in our web application context’s configuration DispatcherServlet-context.xml file: <mvc:resources location="/resources/" mapping="/resource/**"/>
  3. run your application and enter http://localhost:8080/mystore/resource/images/P123.png (change the image name in the URL based on the images you placed

FYI: <mvc:resources> tag in the web application context configuration to tell Spring where these image files are located in our project so that spring can serve those files upon request.