I'm trying to open a file to parse, say "config.txt", in my Chrome extension.
By Javascript it will be fairly easy. For example: chrome.extension.getURL('config.txt')
will get something like chrome-extension://kfcphocilcidmjolfgicbchdfjjlfkmh/config.txt
However, in the C++(or C) code of the extension, open a file by this kind of URL is not available.
Is there any way to open a file in extension in this case?
There are two ways you could address this; the first is to simply use javascript to get the path and then pass it into the plugin in a method call.
The second is to get the path to the plugin .dll file and then calculate the location of config.txt relative to that as explained on the website.
I suppose the other option would be to try to use:
m_host->getDOMWindow()->getNode("chrome")->getNode("extension")->getNode("getURL")->callMethod<FB::variant>("", FB::variant_list_of("config.txt");
I don't know if that would actually work or not; I haven't tried it, and I may have even mistyped some of the function calls, but it might be worth a try.
I finally managed to find a way to get the "config.txt" in my NPAPI plugin by XmlHttpRequest.
const char* getconfig =
" window.__config_txt__ = (function() {"
" var ret = \"Default return value\";"
" var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"
" xhr.open(\"GET\", \"config.txt\", false);"
" xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {"
" if(xhr.readyState == 4) {"
" ret = xhr.responseText;"
" };"
" };"
" xhr.send();"
" return ret;"
" })();";
if (window && window->getJSObject()->HasProperty("window")) {
std::string content = window->getProperty<std::string>("__config_txt__");