I'm practicing the array section of JavaScript Koan and I'm not fully understanding why these answers are correct. I added my assumptions below if someone could please clarify/let me know if I'm wrong :
it("should slice arrays", function () {
var array = ["peanut", "butter", "and", "jelly"];
expect(array.slice(3, 0)).toEqual([]);
Why wouldn't it at least slice "jelly" since the slice begins with 3? How does the cut off of 0 make it empty instead?
expect(array.slice(3, 100)).toEqual(["jelly"]);
If the cut off index goes beyond what currently exists in the array, does this mean that a new array created from slice would contain all indexes starting at 3 until the end of the array?
expect(array.slice(5, 1)).toEqual([undefined];
Will it always be undefined if the starting index doesn't exist in the array?