WP7 AutoCompleteBox Popup position

2019-02-20 22:41发布


The toolkit:AutoCompleteBox in WP7 "opens" the Popup with results above the textfield. I need this Popup to be below the TextBox. Wasted hours on this. finally, i've written my own autoCompleteBox with a ListBox opening below.

Just out of curiosity, pleas tell me how it shold be with the "original" one


I faced the same issue and this is how I solved it, using Perspective Transforms and RenderTransform in the borders of Popup in the default template.

    <PlaneProjection GlobalOffsetX="-10" GlobalOffsetY="37" CenterOfRotationY="1" CenterOfRotationX="0" RotationX="180"/>
     <PlaneProjection RotationX="-180"/>

Change GolbalOffsetX and GlobalOffsetY according to your textbox height and width.


There is no default property that will define the location for the popup in the AutoCompleteBox control.