I'm trying to write an ANTLR4 grammar for a fortran-inspired DSL. I'm having difficulty with the 'ole classic ".op." operators:
if (1.and.1) then
where both "1"s should be intepreted as integer. I looked at the OpenFortranParser for insight, but I can't make sense out of it.
Initially, I had suitable definitions for INTEGER and REAL in my lexer. Consequently, the first "1" above always parsed as a REAL, no matter what I tried. I tried moving things into the parser, and got it to the point where I could reliably recognize the ".and." along with numbers around it as appropriately INTEGER or REAL.
if (1.and.1) # INT/INT
if (1..and..1) # REAL/REAL
I of course want to recognize variable-names in such statements:
if (a.and.b)
and have an appropriate rule for ID. In the small grammar below, however, any literals in quotes (ex, 'and', 'if', all the single-character numerical suffixes) are not accepted as an ID, and I get an error; any other ID-conforming string is accepted:
if (a.and.b) # errs, as 'b' is valid INTEGER suffix
if (a.and.c) # OK
Any insights into this behavior, or better suggestions on how to parse the .op. operators in fortran would be greatly appreciated -- Thanks!
grammar Foo;
start : ('if' expr | ID)+ ;
DOT : '.' ;
DIGITS: [0-9]+;
ID : [a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_]* ;
andOp : DOT 'and' DOT ;
SIGN : [+-];
: ID
| expr andOp expr
| numeric
| '(' expr ')'
integer : DIGITS ('q'|'Q'|'l'|'L'|'h'|'H'|'b'|'B'|'i'|'I')? ;
: DIGITS DOT DIGITS? (('e'|'E') SIGN? DIGITS)? ('d' | 'D')?
| DOT DIGITS (('e'|'E') SIGN? DIGITS)? ('d' | 'D')?
numeric : integer | real;
EOLN : '\r'? '\n' -> skip;
WS : [ \t]+ -> skip;