From the mysql query i have id, parent_id and depth variables
depth starts from 0
can you give me an elegant solution or a good link
I am using CI
From the mysql query i have id, parent_id and depth variables
depth starts from 0
can you give me an elegant solution or a good link
I am using CI
First you have to write a recursive function to read all the child elements and output them as "" and <"li>".
Once you get the proper shape. you can use the following example code to turn li to tree.
You can like below code also
function print_list($array, $parent=0) {
print "<ul>";
foreach ($array as $row) {
if ($row->parent_id == $parent) {
print "<li>$row->title";
print_list($array, $row->id); # recurse
print "</li>";
} }
print "</ul>";
print_list is a recursive function and $array is all the rows from database.
PHP / MySQL build tree menu