I have a Cocoa application that need admin permission to execute a cmd,
but in some extreme case like filename containing double quote, this code does not work.
NSString *fileName = @"~/Documents/My\" File/";
NSString *cmd = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"chown -R '%@' '%@';NSUserName(), fileName];
NSString *cmd_execute = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"do shell script
\"%@\" with administrator privileges",cmd_execute];
//This line is the problem, our %@ contains double quote, so cocoa
//cannot interpret correctly.
Here is the correct way to pass arguments into an AppleScript handler using NSAppleScript:
// load/compile AppleScript
NSAppleScript *scpt = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource:
@"on joinText(a, b)\n"
@" return a & b\n"
@"end addTo"];
NSString *arg1 = @"Hello ";
NSString *arg2 = @"World!";
// pack positional parameters
NSAppleEventDescriptor *params = [NSAppleEventDescriptor listDescriptor];
[params insertDescriptor: [NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptorWithString: arg1] atIndex: 1];
[params insertDescriptor: [NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptorWithString: arg2] atIndex: 2];
// build Apple event to invoke user-defined handler in script
NSAppleEventDescriptor *eventDesc = [NSAppleEventDescriptor appleEventWithEventClass: 'ascr'
eventID: 'psbr'
targetDescriptor: [NSAppleEventDescriptor nullDescriptor]
returnID: 0
transactionID: 0];
[eventDesc setDescriptor: params forKeyword: '----'];
[eventDesc setDescriptor: [NSAppleEventDescriptor descriptorWithString: @"joinText"] forKeyword: 'snam'];
// invoke handler
NSDictionary *errorInfo = nil;
NSAppleEventDescriptor *resultDesc = [scpt executeAppleEvent: eventDesc error: &errorInfo];
if (resultDesc)
NSLog(@"Result: %@\n", [resultDesc stringValue]);
NSLog(@"Error: %@\n", errorInfo);
This avoids the need to munge and compile AS scripts on the fly - which, as your original ObjC code demonstrates, is a rich opportunity to introduce bugs and security holes into your program due to inadequate sanitization.
And here is the correct way to assemble shell script strings in AppleScript:
do shell script ("chown -R " & quoted form of username & " " & quoted form of filepath)
AppleScript's do shell script
command doesn't provide a safe mechanism for passing arguments (it's deficient in a lot of other ways too), but AS strings have a quoted form
property that at least returns a quoted and escaped version of the text suitable for concatenating into a shell script string.
Of course, calling into shell via do shell script
AppleScript just to run chmod
with escalated priveleges is not a little hacky in itself, though this is mostly Apple's fault for not providing a simple official API for doing so (e.g. by adding a 'run with admin privileges' option to NSUserScriptTask
Apple do provide a sample project, SMJobBless that shows how to add and run privileged processes using the Service Management framework and launchd. But it's a sufficiently complex solution that a lot of folks will (knowingly or unknowingly) cut corners or do the wrong thing entirely, which rather defeats the point of providing a secure way of doing things in the first place. But you'll need to take that up with Apple.