Context: I'm trying to run another researcher's code - it describes a traffic model for the Bay Area road network, which is subject to seismic hazard. I'm new to Python and therefore would really appreciate some help debugging the following error.
Issue: When I try to run the code for the sample data provided with the file, following the instructions in the README, I get the following error.
DN0a226926:quick_traffic_model gitanjali$ python
You are considering 2 ground-motion intensity maps.
You are considering 1743 different site locations.
You are considering 2 different damage maps (1 per ground-motion intensity map).
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 288, in <module>
File "", line 219, in main
G = get_graph()
File "", line 157, in get_graph
G = add_superdistrict_centroids(G)
File "", line 46, in add_superdistrict_centroids
G.add_node(str(1000000 + i))
File "/Library/Python/2.7/site-packages/networkx-2.0-py2.7.egg/networkx/classes/", line 412, in add_node
if n not in self._succ:
AttributeError: 'DiGraph' object has no attribute '_succ'
Debugging: Based on some other questions, it seems like this error stems from an issue with the networkx version (I'm using 2.0) or the Python version (I'm using 2.7.10). I went through the migration guide cited in other questions and found nothing that I needed to change in I also checked the file and found that self._succ is defined. I also checked the definition of get_graph(), shown below, which calls networkx, but didn't see any obvious issues.
def get_graph():
import networkx
'''loads full mtc highway graph with dummy links and then adds a few
fake centroidal nodes for max flow and traffic assignment'''
G = networkx.read_gpickle("input/graphMTC_CentroidsLength3int.gpickle")
G = add_superdistrict_centroids(G)
assert not G.is_multigraph() # Directed! only one edge between nodes
G = networkx.freeze(G) #prevents edges or nodes to be added or deleted
return G
Question: How can I resolve this problem? Is it a matter of changing the Python or Networkx versions? If not, what next steps could you recommend for debugging?