I'm trying to get a users tagged_places but the array always comes back empty. If I go through the Graph explorer and generate a token then I get the results as expected but using an access token generated in my application I get returned an empty array. I am requesting the user_tagged_places permission, I know that my app will have to go for review because of this permission requirement but I am just testing right now with my own developer account and test users but it doesn't work for any of them. Will I be able to get the data prior to sending my app for review? Thanks in advance for the help. EDIT: Here's the request
function get_fb_tagged_places($session, $uid)
$request = new FacebookRequest($session, 'GET', '/'.$uid.'/tagged_places');
$response = $request->execute();
$graphObject = $response->getGraphObject();
$events_array = $graphObject->asArray();
return $events_array;
UPDATE: Just to be sure I added every permission to my app and it now works! To save me the hassle of removing permissions until I figure it out, does anybody know exactly which permissions are needed to get tagged_places? I assumed that user_tagged_places was all that was needed because that's all the SDK guide mentions but obviously there are other permissions required.