I am using LWUIT for getting a search facility for selection in the List
Now I want to know how can I display the list with CheckBoxes
list=new List(vector);
I am using LWUIT for getting a search facility for selection in the List
Now I want to know how can I display the list with CheckBoxes
list=new List(vector);
I don't know if there is a more simple solution then mine, but mine is highly customizable and can serve for a lot of purposes.
List l = new List;
Vector v = new Vector();
for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i){
v.addElement(new CheckItem("itemtekst"));
l.setListCellRenderer(new CheckItemRenderer());
l.setModel(new CheckItemModel(v));
the code above makes it work. As you can guess you have to make a new class and override two to make it work.
CHECKITEM: this class has a string and an image. as well as setters and getters. it also has a boolean that shows if it is checked or not.
CHECKITEMRENDERER: has a label for the string and the image of the checkitem it extends Container and implements ListCellRenderer
CHECKITEMMODEL: this extends the defaultlistmodel. it has methods to get the checkeditems and setthem checked or unchecked.
to recap:
and to use it add an actionlistener or it will al be for nothing.