I created a maven project with JADE framework as a dependency but this framework requires different commands to execute the jar than ordinary java applications.
javac –classpath <JADE-classes> Class_name.java
java –classpath <JADE-classes> jade.Boot <agent-local-name>:<fully-qualified-agent-class>
Where <fully-qualified-agent-class>
is package_name.Class_name
java –cp lib\jade.jar jade.Boot [options] [AgentSpecifierlist]
Is it possible to build a runnable jar using maven plugins so I just type java -jar myjar.jar
instead of the command above?
Would mvn eclipse:eclipse
command change build parameters of the eclipse project after editing the pom.xml file?
There isn't any such plugin available for JADE because it is not widely used framework and anyone hasn't bothered to develop a plugin for it. But there is a workaround to run it the conventional way, but this would only work if you already know your <fully-qualified-agent-class>
names. what you can do is write a class that extends Thread
and from that Thread
's run()
method invoke the JADE framework agent by passing the <fully-qualified-agent-class>
as arguments. Refer to an example below.
public class jadeBootThread extends Thread {
private final String jadeBoot_CLASS_NAME = "jade.Boot";
private final String MAIN_METHOD_NAME = "main";
//add the <agent-local-name>:<fully-qualified-agent-class> name here;
// you can add more than one by semicolon separated values.
private final String ACTOR_NAMES_args = "Agent1:com.myagents.agent1";
private final String GUI_args = "-gui";
private final Class<?> secondClass;
private final Method main;
private final String[] params;
public jadeBootThread() throws ClassNotFoundException, SecurityException, NoSuchMethodException {
secondClass = Class.forName(jadeBoot_CLASS_NAME);
main = secondClass.getMethod(MAIN_METHOD_NAME, String[].class);
params = new String[]{GUI_args, ACTOR_NAMES_args};
public void run() {
try {
main.invoke(null, new Object[]{params});
} catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException ex) {
Now you can invoke this thread from your main method or any other way by creating runnable jar file with eclipse plugin etc.
A better solution for this :
public class Example03 {
public static void main(String[] args){
String host;
int port;
String platform = null; //default name
boolean main = true;
host = "localhost";
port = -1; //default-port 1099
Runtime runtime = Runtime.instance();
Profile profile = null;
AgentContainer container = null;
profile = new ProfileImpl(host, port, platform, main);
// create container
container = runtime.createMainContainer(profile);
// create the agents
try {
AgentController agent1 = container.createNewAgent(
AgentController agent2 = container.createNewAgent(
// create the GUI
AgentController rma = container.createNewAgent("rma", "jade.tools.rma.rma", null);
// start the agents
} catch(StaleProxyException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);