I'm trying to use Python to open a dialog to accept input into my C++ application.
Here is a very minimal representation of what I am trying to do:
#include <iostream>
#include <Python.h>
int main()
/* Begin Python Ititialization - only needs to be done once. */
PyObject *ip_module_name = NULL;
PyObject *ip_module = NULL;
PyObject *ip_module_contents = NULL;
PyObject *ip_module_getip_func = NULL;
ip_module_name = PyString_FromString( "get_ip" );
ip_module = PyImport_Import( ip_module_name );
ip_module_contents = PyModule_GetDict( ip_module );
ip_module_getip_func = PyDict_GetItemString( ip_module_contents, "get_ip_address" );
/* End Initialization */
PyGILState_STATE state = PyGILState_Ensure();
PyObject *result = PyObject_CallObject( ip_module_getip_func, NULL );
if( result == Py_None )
printf( "None\n" );
printf( "%s\n", PyString_AsString( result ) );
PyGILState_Release( state );
/* This is called when the progam exits. */
However, when I call the function with PyObject_CallObject, the app segfaults. I'm guessing that it's because I'm using the Tk library. I've tried linking my app against _tkinter.lib, tk85.lib, tcl85.lib, tkstub85.lib, tclstub85.lib and none of that helps. I'm pretty stumped...
Here's the script:
import Tkinter as tk
from tkSimpleDialog import askstring
from tkMessageBox import showerror
def get_ip_address():
root = tk.Tk()
ip = askstring( 'Server Address', 'Enter IP:' )
if ip is None:
return None
ip = ip.strip()
if ip is '':
showerror( 'Error', 'Please enter a valid IP address' )
return get_ip_address()
if len(ip.split(".")) is not 4:
showerror( 'Error', 'Please enter a valid IP address' )
return get_ip_address()
for octlet in ip.split("."):
x = 0
if octlet.isdigit():
x = int(octlet)
showerror( 'Error', 'Please enter a valid IP address' )
return get_ip_address()
if not ( x < 256 and x >= 0 ):
showerror( 'Error', 'Please enter a valid IP address' )
return get_ip_address()
return ip
Edit: added my threading setup