I'm trying to write a bare-bones ultra-simple light-weight wrapper for the LibVLC DLL Library. I don't need access to much, just the ability to play pause and stop media files. I'm looking at the documentation and this other link I found that explains an older version of LibVLC, but it's outdated for the most recent version. I also tried LibVLC.Net but it too is outdated and I can't find what I'm looking for in the source code to match it to the functions I'm trying to export.
I have the following signature I'm trying to export:
libvlc_new (int argc, const char *const *argv)
The description:
argc the number of arguments (should be 0)
argv list of arguments (should be NULL)
And this is the method I'm trying.
[DllImport("libvlc", EntryPoint = "libvlc_new")]
public static extern IntPtr New(Int32 argc, String[] argv);
The description suggests it should be an array, and I think the problem is the second argument. I've tried:
[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, ArraySubType = UnmanagedType.LPStr)] String[] argv
as according to here, and there are a couple of other options such as a String and StringBuilder as suggested here but it still happens that every time I call the function I get an Imbalanced PInvoke stack.
I need to know what the proper calling convention of this, and very likely several other, functions are. A "PInvoke For Dummies" online reference would be super good.