
Grails use config.properties value into BuildConfi

2019-02-20 11:28发布


I have a config.properties file under conf directory.

and have a entry in the above file like this: grails.tomcat.version = 2.2.4.

How can I use this value in BuildConfig.groovy file?


plugins = {
    build ":tomcat:{here i want to use the config value}"


You can do read the properties file as below:

plugins {
    def props = new Properties()
    new File("grails-app/conf/config.properties").withReader{
    def slurp = new ConfigSlurper().parse(props)

    build ":tomcat:$slurp.grails.tomcat.version"

I do not see a value out of it if you only have that single entry to use from the properties file. I would rather have that config defined in Config.groovy.