Popup use scrollbar of window

2019-02-20 07:45发布


I'm trying to create a popup which uses window scrollbars not the div ones. Something like what is on http://pinterest.com. How to achieve this effect? All my tries are unsuccessful, scrollbars appear on div. Window scollbars scroll the body content.


When you open popup window, you should remember current window scrollLeft/scrollTop positions somewhere, then apply overflow:hidden, height/width:100% to html and body, which will prevent page scrolling.

Create overlay div with position:absolute, z-index:9999, left/top:0, height/width:100%, overflow:auto, and append it to body - it will be scrollable container of your popup.

Inside of this container create div with position:absolute and left/top values, calculated in js to center it if necessary.

After you close popup, restore overflow, height/width styles for html/body, and apply scrollLeft/scrollTop values that were saved before opening popup.