I'm looking for two specific help point in this request 1) how to create a list of list given my data base (all.df) below 2) how to vectorise a function over this list of list
I'm trying to generate a forecast at a customer / product level using the Prophet library. Im struggling to vectorise the operation. I currently run a for loop, which I want to avoid and speed-up my calculations.
Data for the analysis
df1 <- data.frame(
Date = seq(dmy("01/01/2017"), by = "day", length.out = 365*2),
Customer = "a",
Product = "xxx",
Revenue = sample(1:100, 365*2, replace=TRUE))
df2 <- data.frame(
Date = seq(dmy("01/01/2017"), by = "day", length.out = 365*2),
Customer = "a",
Product = "yyy",
Revenue = sample(25:200, 365*2, replace=TRUE))
df3 <- data.frame(
Date = seq(dmy("01/01/2017"), by = "day", length.out = 365*2),
Customer = "b",
Product = "xxx",
Revenue = sample(1:100, 365*2, replace=TRUE))
df4 <- data.frame(
Date = seq(dmy("01/01/2017"), by = "day", length.out = 365*2),
Customer = "b",
Product = "yyy",
Revenue = sample(25:200, 365*2, replace=TRUE) )
all.df <- rbind(df1, df2, df3, df4)
This is my forecast function
daily_forecast <- function(df, forecast.days = 365){
# fit actuals into prophet
m <- prophet(df,
yearly.seasonality = TRUE,
weekly.seasonality = TRUE,
changepoint.prior.scale = 0.55) # default value is 0.05
# create dummy data frame to hold prodictions
future <- make_future_dataframe(m, periods = forecast.days, freq = "day")
# run the prediction
forecast <- predict(m, future)
### Select the date and forecast from the model and then merge with actuals
daily_fcast <- forecast %>% select(ds, yhat) %>% dplyr::rename(Date = ds, fcast.daily = yhat)
actual.to.merge <- df %>% dplyr::rename(Date = ds, Actual.Revenue = y)
daily_fcast <- merge(actual.to.merge, daily_fcast, all = TRUE)
Currently, I work through one customer/product at a time using a for loop
x <- df1 %>% select(-c(Customer, Product)) %>%
dplyr::rename(ds = Date, y = Revenue) %>%
I would like to instead, vectorise the whole operation:
1-Create a list of list, i.e. split the all.df by:
a) Product and then
b) by customer
2-Then have the daily_forecast function map over the list of list created in 1) above
I would very much like to use functions out of purrr