how to mock a location.path in angular unit tests

2019-02-20 05:03发布


I am testing a routing directive with location.path refs to templates that cannot be found. So....

I want to mock a routing test with a mock configured $routeProvider, how to get the $routeProvider in karma/jasmine?

then I tried the spyOn mock approach described in best-practice, is there a syntax for which I can expect the $location.path().toBe('/path')?

spyOn($location, 'path').andCallFake(new LocationMock().path);

and I was wondering if I could


I created a fiddle which demonstrates mocking $location.

  app.controller('testcont', function($scope, $location) {
      $scope.path = $location.path();
  beforeEach(inject(function($controller, $rootScope, $location){    
     scope = $rootScope.$new();
     spyOn($location, 'path').andReturn('Fake location');
     $controller('testcont', {$scope:scope});
  it('should spy on $location', function($location){
     expect(scope.path).toBe('Fake location');

However templates can be loaded by prepopulating Angular's $templateCache with the directive. Karma uses the ng-html2js-preprocessor. Could that help your problem?